It's Not Just About Term Papers

There is a reason this business is officially referred to as the academic writing and research business instead of the term paper business. It's because term papers are only a part of what we do here. Granted, the great majority of the work clients need us to assist them with comes in the form of a "paper," whether that's a term paper, a research paper, an essay, or what have you. But we also help with things like discussion questions for online classes, statistics problem sets, case studies (which definitely should not have the same format as a paper), and so forth.

It might seem like a fine point to folks who aren't involved with this business, on either end (meaning, as a writer or other staff worker, or as a client), but it actually isn't. Referring to what we do as "writing term papers" would be like referring to nurses as "the ones who bring the bedpans" when we all know they do so much more than that. To reduce what we do just that, to term papers, isn't really fair to the people who work here (especially the writers), not to mention limiting to our clients who quite often need projects that don't fall into the category of A Paper.

And so, try to think of us as your one-stop academic writing and research company, instead of the place where you go for model term papers. ;-) You'll be able to count upon us for so much more, and we will definitely appreciate your kind regard.

Need Some Help Writing your Paper?

We offer custom written papers starting at $32 / page. Your will get a completely custom-written paper tailored to your instructions, with zero chance of plagiarism.