When to Write an Essay

A lot of research and commentary has gone into helping people to know ‘how’ to write an essay but equally important and much less talked about is ‘when’ to write an essay. When to write an essay is important from several perspectives. One is purely logistical and involves planning sufficiently in advance to give yourself time to research, write, edit, re-write and then finally to proofread the essay. There are rules of thumb here that can help. The other perspective is more psychological. When to write an essay is as much about being in the right state of mind as it is about the content you produce. The right mindset naturally lends itself to better flow, syntax and articulation.

Planning to write an essay

Planning to write an essay may seem easy and obvious but it is surprising how many things might divert you from your task. Planning to write an essay begins with the right space and the right equipment. Before you sit down to research and write ensure you have your laptop charger, any batteries you’ll need, a calculator if necessary and pen or pencil and paper to jot down notes and references. Place these in an out-of-the-way place free from unexpected visitors and distractions. Somewhere you know you will remain undisturbed for at least a couple of hours.

Deciding when it is right to write

Mindset is key to creating great prose and every well-written essay has qualities of good prose. This is only achievable if the mind is open, research is thorough and physical and mental states are optimal. The best time to write an essay is after exercise because endorphins and blood flow are important for great brain function. Write when there are no distractions to take you off task and that includes internal distractions such as issues that cause stress or other deadlines or appointments. When you sit down to write an essay that must be your main focus and concern. It there are other things you need to take care of get those out of the way first and then give all your concentration and attention to the essay at hand.

Write an essay when you are feeling healthy and switched on. Don’t leave essay writing until a half an hour before you would normally sleep. Most of us have two optimal hours of thinking and creativity each day. If you care about what you are writing use these optimized thinking times to give your essay everything you have. For most of us, that time is in the morning after a healthy breakfast.

Remember what you eat throughout the day will also influence how well you are able to think and retain information. Healthy brain foods are of course anything with Omega. Fish is loaded with Omegas so although it might be gross for breakfast eat as much fish as you can throughout the week. Vegetables, beans and nuts are also great thinking foods. Be careful though, pigging out before studying, especially on junk food, could make you too tired to cope with the prospect of research and writing.

Mental health is as important as physical health if you want to write an essay that wows your reader. Don’t write an essay when the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Clear up whatever issues you can resolve that may keep you preoccupied. If you have worries you can’t shake easily, work on working out a little before you begin to study. Physical release is great for easing emotional stress. When you’re feeling better, that’s when it’s right to write.

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