Tag: University

Colleges and Universities: Scholarship Scams

Colleges and universities scholarship scams prey on students who are young, vulnerable, and perhaps not as familiar with what to look out for when investigating funding options. These swindles are created for two reasons, to obtain money or to obtain personal details. The basic rules of life apply; you should never pay money up front in order to obtain money down the track and you should never give out personal details.

College/Universities: How to Choose?

Choosing the right college/university shouldn’t just be about where that school sits on the international rating scale or its geographical location. Perfect tertiary education is personal; it’s dependant on the course desired, personal interest and ability and future goals. The first thing student’s and their families want to think about in making the college university choice is, what are the student’s strengths and weaknesses and which are the most important programs of study, or in other words what occupation would be the right fit for this particular person.

Tips for Studying at College or University

College or university level study is stressful and so the first tip for effective study is to turn off your stress and turn up your mind. Fifteen minutes of jumping on a trampoline, running or brisk walking will give your brain the oxygen it needs to work effectively. Before that, eat a healthy breakfast because mind fuel is an important prerequisite to smart thinking. If you are anxious, (this is great advice for exams too) deep healthy breathing and some left brain/right brainwork will make your mind wide open to the rigours of study.

First Generation University Students

For students who show potential and interest in University within families that have never had someone attend post-secondary school the demands of school are often quite different. These students will either have the support of their families and they will feel the pressure of being the first in their family upon which all the hopes and dreams of other family members is rested. Or they will come from the opposite end of the spectrum; they will be from families that think education is a waste of time and these students will face the challenge of doing something hard without the support of their families.