Tag: Write

I won’t need to be a good writer to be good at my job

You don’t have to be the best writer or a perfect writer but by working on and improving your skill set, you make things easier for yourself in the future. Don’t let this skill set dwindle, work on making sure that you are as good as you can be at getting your ideas across.

Why You Shouldn’t Whistle (or do anything) While you Write

Today’s world is fascinated by the allure of multi-tasking. Many of us take in the morning news, hold verbal and text-based conversations, and check our early e-mails-all while eating breakfast or attempting to enjoy a cup of coffee. There’s a feeling of less time, but more demands. In response, we try to complete multiple tasks at once. For many, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stop multi-tasking and just be-just focus on the one, singular task on your plate in this very moment. Think back on your own approach to getting things done. Do you feel compelled to talk on the phone while driving? Text as soon as you sit on the couch to watch television? Check an email right after you started reading this (very compelling!) article?