Tag: Dissertation

Common Mistakes in the Dissertation Process

PowerPapers.com can help you with your dissertation process, including at the very beginning when it’s time to develop your proposal. You can work with us as your schedule and the process demand. We can write the proposal, and then do your final edit, or any combination of writing and editing that you need. It is important to know that help is here so that you do not risk abandoning your PhD due to frustrations at the last step.

Coping with Dissertation Proposal Anxiety

Arguing for a dissertation proposal may well be the scariest thing you ever have to do in your academic career. It may help to have strategies for how to cope with stress and fear while writing the proposal. If you have to present to a dissertation committee having some coping strategies becomes even more critical.

Travelling for Scholarly Journal Research

Travel provides different perspective to every subject. In addition old customs, traditions and lore can lend alternative viewpoints which may be unique to previous data published in scholarly journals. This is true for every facet of research from cooking techniques to medicine to behavioural science. An excellent example is scientific research which shows that cancer rates are lower in third world countries. Understanding why, through first-hand experience, lends credible and interesting elements to any scholarly journal relevant to childcare, medicine, health or psychology.

What are Theses?

Theses are papers which are often the culminating works of a degree. Occasionally theses are professional papers presenting research findings. Theses may be required at any degree level although the requirements will vary and different levels. Theses are sometimes referred to as dissertations but both usually mean the same thing. That said theses may refer to bachelor level papers while dissertations are usually graduate papers. Largely it all depends on where you live.

Transcribe your Dissertation?

Your dissertation is potentially the most difficult paper you will ever write. The most trying aspect of writing a dissertation is without a doubt the sheer volume of note taking, transcribing and source referencing that accumulates over the course of researching. Transcribing notes has been an okay (some would say less than okay) option in the past for those who find speaking easier than writing. Or for people like me, who can’t read what’s been written when I go back! Transcribing notes for a dissertation has just become a whole lot easier.

Thesis Preparation

The academic thesis is the crowning achievement of study so don’t leave it to the last minute to consider what your thesis will be, how you intend to write it and where you will source your information. In fact it makes sense to begin a thesis file in order to begin documenting source material. To do that you will need a thesis.

Postdoctoral Research

Postdoctoral researchers do what they do for any number of reasons. For some the ongoing learning and discovery is the main driver, they research because this gives them satisfaction; it is its own reward.

Top 5 tips for Choosing a Research Topic

Deciding what to write a research assignment about can be a daunting prospect. You want it to be interesting for sure. But you don’t want to get yourself too deeply entrenched in a project that could turn out to be impossible in terms of sourcing material and creating original perspective. That decision is even more overwhelming if this is a thesis, or dissertation, that will be your life’s work for the next few years.

Ergonomic Study Gear

Students, particularly those writing dissertations or other major papers spend long hours in a chair in front of a computer typing. If this is you, no-one has to tell you those creepy old ailments you shouldn’t be feeling for another 50 years can become common. Wrist and hand pain, a sore aching back and sore eyes are all likely after hours in front of a PC or on the laptop.

Choosing a Dissertation Topic

Choosing a topic for the most important paper you may ever write in your life can be an overwhelming prospect that many students are happy to have to do only once! Going about deciding upon a topic is not an easy task and students are often tempted to choose complicated or ground breaking subjects that will really wow their professor and dissertation committee.