Tag: Sources

Good students make good voters

Knowing politicians' platforms and intentions is important, but in order to do that you need to be able distinguish good information from bad information, just like you do as a student.

Writing a Research Paper

When you begin to write your paper don’t worry about flow, spelling or grammar. These can be corrected later and it is much easier to develop an idea and steady thought process if you are not stopping to worry about these details. Just begin typing and let your mind go, jotting down everything you can think of regarding the subject, the content, arguments and counter arguments.

Research Strategies for Students

Begin with a plan or a working outline. Assess the questions you have been tasked to answer, or the proposal you have put forth, and brainstorm ideas about how to approach the topic or data. Consider what surveys, panels or research sources will be required to provide the most comprehensive information. Once the big picture has been considered you are ready to begin - armed with your well conceived and prepared plan.