Tag: Statistics

Surviving studying for finals

You may realize that it’s the easiest thing that you need to hand over to a professional, because you need time to study for the hardest thing. On the other hand, you may realize that it’s the hardest project you need our help with, because it’s for a subject that doesn’t have much to do with your educational or professional goals. In any case, we can help with writing papers, statistics, and study guides, among a long list of available services.

Research Strategies for Students

Begin with a plan or a working outline. Assess the questions you have been tasked to answer, or the proposal you have put forth, and brainstorm ideas about how to approach the topic or data. Consider what surveys, panels or research sources will be required to provide the most comprehensive information. Once the big picture has been considered you are ready to begin - armed with your well conceived and prepared plan.

What does "Tutoring" mean to you?

Tutoring means different things to different people. Some students just need a few examples thrown their way, with or without the presence of an actual person, so they know how to do their own work. The model paper is for these people in this last group. They don't need or want someone there, holding their hand, helping them through the process. They just need a template, something they can use to inform their own work.

It's Not Just About Term Papers

Referring to what we do as "writing term papers" would be like referring to nurses as "the ones who bring the bedpans" when we all know they do so much more than that.