Business Plan Writers

Every business starts with a plan, sometimes in the form of having a talk on the couch with a friend. You can know just about everything about how to build your business, but knowing how to write a business plan is a very different prospect.

Whether you need to buy business plans to present to a bank or other investor, or for something more academic, our business plan writers can help. Business majors, undergraduates and MBAs write a lot of business plans for a reason – whether they want to start their own businesses, consult, or become business plan writers for hire, this is a valuable skill.

What Do Business Plan Writers Need?

You may just want us to take it off your hands because the details don’t matter too much. If, however, you want to buy business plans that are more detailed, focus on letting us know a few things:

  • What is your business?
  • Where will it be located?
  • Is it a new business, division, or program?
  • Is it a franchise, remodel, or reconfiguration?
  • What kind of statistics and/or demographics need to be included?

Don’t worry! We will look up and incorporate the details. If you don’t have answers to these questions, that is fine, too.

Why Should I Buy Business Plans?

Business plans can be quite lengthy, with seemingly endless components that make a detailed blueprint of the potential business. You might know your market, but writing up a market analysis including the proposed client base, the location, and so forth, is not a simple task for everyone.

Management and sales plans, service and product lines, and exit strategies, are a lot to think about, and many people looking to start a business are doers. Spending hours and days writing them up is often an exercise in frustration even for someone who can sell anything or is a great organizer. Being great business people is not the same as being great business plan writers.

There is a lot at stake, and muddling through a business plan could be a bad start to an otherwise good idea. A business plan gives you something to show the bank and other investors, or even high-value managers you want to draw away from other businesses. Our expert business plan writers will help you tremendously with your business plan, whatever kind of business it is.

Get Writing Help

We offer business plans starting at $32.00 / page. Your will get a completely custom-written paper tailored to your instructions, with zero chance of plagiarism.

Business Plan Articles

Business plan writers.

Business owners and managers routinely have to delegate responsibilities, consider delegating your business plan to our professional business plan writers.

SWOT or SWOTT: What's the Difference?

One of the most fun aspects of getting a business degree is learning to look at things a little bit differently and the easiest way to learn to do this is to look at most decisions in terms of a SWOT analysis. Though this type of business memo was designed specifically to analyze how well a business might be able to compete, the same basic principles can be applied to almost anything. So what is a SWOT analysis and why do I sometimes see it spelled with a second T?

LA Colleges and Universities

LA colleges and universities are some of the best in the world. They offer prestigious international reputation and standards of excellence in every course of study. Choosing the best LA colleges and universities can be challenging in light of the significant offerings available to both national and international students. For example, an MBA from Stanford carries its weight in gold but is Stanford the best option for LA colleges and universities offering sciences? Navigating the options can be difficult and so it helps to know which schools have the best reputations for which courses. These are out picks. That said there are two standout LA colleges and universities worth talking about.

Distance Learning Rules & Qualifications Available

Distance learning incorporates courses from every faculty although not all courses are available via distance learning. Many universities offer hybrid courses for degrees or diplomas that require some in-class engagement. The best way to decide what to take in distance learning is to consider the following questions:

Top 5 Postgraduate Courses

So you’ve finished you undergraduate work and it’s time to get serious about deciding which postgraduate course will steer the direction of the rest of your life. It may help you to know what everyone else is doing. The top 5 postgraduate courses based on popularity and future earning potential are:

MBA Courses

Masters of Administration or MBA courses can lead to virtually anywhere; they are post-graduate degrees which can be applied to corporate environments or to other companies or fields with a business component. If you think about it that means an MBA course will open the doors to any and every industry because every company and organization has a business component. That said the graduate of an MBA course is likely to thrive within a corporate structure where his or her aptitude for numbers and management can come to the fore.

Study and Work Abroad

Students wanting to study overseas may also want to work abroad if they don’t have enough saved or covered for personal expenses. This can be tricky because international visas for study don’t always incorporate the option to work abroad. In some cases this can be quite an administrative and bureaucratic juggle.

Government Loans

Government loans are a popular way to fund tertiary education. There are pros and cons to accepting one but if you have no option because you can’t get scholarships or access family funds, then a government loan will at least offer lower interest rates and favorable repayment terms than other loan types.

Double Degrees

Some schools call them conjoint degrees and others call them dual or double degrees. The interesting question is, to what degree do these simultaneous degrees help a student to excel in their chosen field?

Career Management

Some careers, for instance IT, will follow a fairly direct path, others like business, require a broad set of skills covering humanities to corporate etiquette. Finding ways to hone these skill sets while still in college will place you in a more competitive position at graduation. There are some useful skill sets which will cross a broad range of career choices.

The School, Family, Work, Life Balance

Most of us find that just two of school, family, work and/or life will take just enough time and energy for us to be able to cope while still finding enough time for rest and relaxation. While each of these has its own reward, each is also time consuming and carries inherent expectations and responsibilities. Most of us also have to deal with the fact that it is extremely likely that we have to cope with all four and we most probably always will.

Dictation Software & Applications

iPad the second has been released and apart from all the sexy bells and whistles it possesses one quiet modest little app that could change the lives of students and professionals who spend long hours at the keyboard banging out volumes of copy.

Student Loans, the Pros and Cons

Taking on debt when you’re young, want things, have little income and have courses to pay for seems, well like a pretty good thing to do. Unfortunately within six months of leaving school, with or without a degree, interest begins to accrue and repayments are expected.

Internet Transparency

Students eager to communicate with friends, blog and maybe get involved with online ventures should be aware of the double edged sword that is internet transparency. While transparency is for the most part a good thing it is wise to proceed with caution when baring your soul (or anything else) in cyberspace.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is just around the corner (February 3) and it brings with it some useful advice for everyone, even those who are not Chinese or a rabbit.

Make Money - Sell your Books!

If you’re not interested in selling your personal substances and you still need your books for a few more months there are a million different ways for computer savvy students to make some extra dosh online.

Saving for the Season Top 10 Tips

Students are notoriously poor due to the phenomenal fees we must pay to be educated and the cost of living – despite the student breaks we are sometimes given. At this time of the year we must choose between being even more frugal or disappointing the ones we love.

Tutoring vs. Mentoring

When it comes to taking steps to improve grades or have additional study for greater comprehension there are a number of options available to students. While tutoring, especially one-on-one if you can afford it, is the best option for those who find traditional teaching methods easy to understand, there are many students who would do better with a mentoring situation.

Amazing Student Initiative!

It is a continually astounding fact that some students amid all of their responsibilities and stresses, manage to do some truly wonderful and amazing things. An example of an incredibly resourceful student in Britain really epitomizes what is possible.

Where & How to Live on a Student Budget

Options for accommodation on a student budget usually include home, halls of residence, shared accommodation or living with relatives or home stay families. Halls of residence are often a preferred choice for first year students as they are secure, often provide social activities, offer the opportunity for students to share a room, spend time in common areas and meet other people and sometimes provide meals and laundry service.

Back Up!

Ever gotten say, 2000 words into a really important thesis or proposal when the computer crashes and you lose everything? Anyone who has will tell you there isn’t anything worse.

Student Products and Discounts

You may not know it but there is an overabundance of bargains and discounts available exclusively to students which provide huge opportunities to purchase top grade equipment, software and other stuff cheaply.